Our Beliefs

This is not an exhaustive list.

The Bible is our guide to righteousness, holiness, and heaven, and we reject the notion that any works of uninspired men have any binding effect on the souls of mankind. Traditions, creeds, book of prayers, liturgy books, etc., are not inspired and have no authority or place in Christianity.

The Bible, specifically the New Testament, describes a pattern for worship that is in spirit and in truth and we desire to follow it. Therefore, when we assemble to worship each Lord’s Day, the first day of the week, we do the following:

  • We observe the memorial feast Jesus instituted (Matthew 26:26-29), also known as the Lord’s Supper. We eat of the unleavened bread which represents His body, and drink of the fruit of the vine (grape juice) that represents His blood. We do this every Lord’s Day because we have a binding example of first century Christians doing so. (Acts 20:7)
  • We give of our means, and as we have prospered, and willingly—not grudgingly. (1 Corinthians 16:1,2; 2 Corinthians 9:6,7)
  • We pray, for Jesus did so and taught His disciples to do the same. That prayer is offered through the authority of Jesus, and only to the heavenly Father, as this is the only pattern we see in the New Testament.
  • We study the Bible, by the preaching and teaching of it.
  • We sing praises to God, and sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to teach and admonish one another, and with grace in our hearts (Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 5:19). The human voice is the most beautiful instrument ever created and we believe that the New Testament authorizes it, and it alone, to be used in our worship.

The Bible teaches that obedient faith in Christ Jesus, demonstrated in confessing Him before men, repentance of sin, and water baptism, are absolutely essential to the soul’s salvation and that those who refuse to believe and obey these things are lost.

The Bible teaches that full immersion of one who has the capacity to believe is the only correct baptism (Mark 16:15,16; Acts 8:38). There is no other scriptural baptism than that of full immersion, and to immerse someone who does not believe has no real effect upon them other than getting them wet.

The Bible teaches that one must remain faithful—not perfect—unto death (Revelation 2:10). Even if it cost us our lives, we must hold fast to the faith.

The Bible does not teach that the church has any earthly headquarters. But it does teach that our Head sits at the right hand of God the Father. Therefore, our “headquarters” is in heaven.

The Bible teaches that each congregation of the church is autonomous, i.e., it is not ruled in any way by any outside authority except for Jesus Christ.

The Bible teaches that an eldership (shepherds, presbyters, bishops) is the correct form of local church government and that there are requirements which must be met by men who would desire to serve as such (1 Timothy 3:1-7). Deacons serve under the eldership and also have certain requirements (1 Timothy 3:8-13). (We are just beginning and are without elders for now. The men of the congregation will conduct the necessary spiritual and financial business of the church until elders can be appointed.)

The Bible further teaches that a preacher, or evangelist, yields no more authority than any of the other men of the local body. He has even less when there is an eldership. In spiritual matters, he typically has a greater education in the Bible and Bible-related subjects, but is not the final authority in either. God is the final authority and we have His revealed will in His word. (Church of Christ Guam does not have “a” preacher at this time, per se, but capable men in the congregation are willing to break open the bread of life for us.)

The Bible also teaches that Christians are saints (1 Corinthians 1:2) and priests (Revelation 1:5). In the New Testament church, there is no authority given in the scriptures allowing for the granting of sainthood or of titles to church leaders, including “Elder, Bishop, Presbyter, Shepherd, Father, Reverend, etc.” Elder, bishop, presbyter, and shepherd are simply descriptions of the same office (see above), and the scriptures teach us that there is to be a plurality of them in every local church.

Finally, the Bible teaches that we amenable to the new covenant today (Hebrews 12:24), and that the old was to vanish away (Hebrews 8:13), meaning that we are in no way bound by it today.